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    Paying your rent

    There are a number of ways you can pay your rent - choose the one most convenient to you! 

    • Direct Debit - We now have paperless direct debits. Please call us on 01732 749400 to set your direct debit up today. We can collect direct debits weekly or monthly (on the fourth working day of the month).
    • Online payments - You can pay your rent using our online payment page, it's open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, just click Make a payment now. You will need to enter your ten-digit tenancy reference number and confirm your postcode.

    • My West Kent - visit

    • Automated payments - You can pay your rent on our automated phone payment line, it's open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, just call 01732 749442. When you phone you will need to enter your ten-digit tenancy reference number and confirm your postcode.

    • Online banking - You can pay using online banking through your own bank or building society website using these details:
      • Sort code: 60-19-02
      • Account number: 25867792
      • Reference: Your ten-digit tenancy reference number.
    • Post office and Payzone - You can pay at any Post Office or Payzone retail outlet using your West Kent payment card, please check the Payzone website for your nearest outlet. You can also look out for the Payzone logo displayed at shops and petrol stations. If you can't find your card please email our Finance Team at and they will order you a replacement.
    • Housing benefit - If you think you are entitled to housing benefit, contact your local council straightaway as a claim is usually not backdated. If it is, the maximum period covered for any backdate will be no more than four weeks.
    • Standing order - A standing order is similar to direct debit, but it's in your control so you must remember to contact your bank when any changes are needed. If you use your bank's own form you'll need our bank details:
      • Sort code: 60-19-02
      • Account number: 25867792
      • Reference: Your ten-digit tenancy reference number.
    • Direct from your wages - Speak to your tenancy services officer (TSO) if you'd like your employer to pay us directly.

    When do I need to pay my rent?

    Your rent is due weekly in advance and you can pay monthly in advance if you prefer. For most methods of payment you will need your ten digit tenancy reference number, which you can find on your rent statements and any letters we send to you about rent payment.

    We have four rent-free weeks each year. These are usually the first two Mondays in April, and last two Mondays in December. Check our Events page for exact dates.

    Remember your rent is a priority payment and you can lose your home if you don't pay when you should. Read more about our income collection policy.