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    We know parking isn't always available for all residents outside their homes. We ask that residents are considerate to their neighbours when parking.

    If a crime is being committed, you can report it to Kent Police on 101.

    • Abandoned vehicles

      Abandoned vehicles can make a neighbourhood look undesirable and be a target for anti-social behaviour or arson. It is a criminal offence to abandon a vehicle.

      How do you know if a vehicle has been abandoned? Check with your neighbours first, they may know who it belongs to. Check for the following signs too:

      • Has the vehicle been stationary for a long period of time?
      • Is the vehicle damaged or vandalised?
      • Is it unroadworthy with broken windows, flat tyres etc?
      • Has it been burnt out?
      • Is it missing either of it’s registration plates?
      • Have a look inside, does it contain any waste?

      If you know the vehicle is on West Kent land, please complete our online ASB reporting form and attach a photo if possible. 

      If the item is not on our land, please contact the local authority who will arrange to remove it. You can find out who your local authority using the tool.

      If you live in a neighbourhood managed by another agent or housing provider, you will need to contact that company. 

      Removing a vehicle involves lengthy legal processes and it could take a while to get it resolved.

    • Obstructive parking

      If your neighbour or their visitors park their vehicle in an obstructive way or uses your allocated parking space, try talking to them in the first instance. They may not realise their parking is causing an issue.

      You should also speak to them if you think their parking could potentially block an emergency vehicle getting through.

      If the problem continues and it is parked on a public verge or highway, you should contact your local authority. You can find out who your local authority is using the tool.

      If the vehicle is on West Kent land, please report it to us using the online ASB form and we will speak to them on your behalf.

      If the vehicle is obstructing and needs to be removed immediately, please contact Kent Police on 101.


    • Repairing vehicles

      We would not consider residents who are repairing their own vehicles and bikes to be anti-social behaviour.

      If you believe that your neighbour is running a vehicle repair business and they are making a mess or causing a persistent noise nuisance, then please let us know by using the online ASB form at the bottom of this page.

      If it is parked on a public verge or highway, you should contact your local authority.

      Find your local authority