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    Residents' Annual Report  

    The West Kent residents' annual report provides an overview of our performance about finance, complaints and safety. 

    "Another year has gone by and so much has happened in that time. Whether it be the lasting impact of the pandemic, or the cost of living, many of us have been impacted in one way or another.

    The Resident Scrutiny Panel is still going strong and after completing a review of the repairs service in 2022, we carefully chose the topic of our next review - how West Kent hears the voice of residents. As part of this, we’ll engage with wider groups of residents and invite them to meet with us both digitally and face-to-face. The aim of this review is to make sure all residents’ voices are heard at West Kent, including those who may not have access to digital channels, and we’ll be preparing a report and set of recommendations on how West Kent can improve in this area. We’ll share our report in Neighbourhood News and on our website once it’s finished in 2023.

    As a panel, we work closely with West Kent and we know they want to keep channels of communication open so that when there is a problem, they can act upon it as quickly as possible. We work collaboratively and constructively to help make improvements that benefit residents.

    This annual report is a way West Kent can keep us informed on how they are performing and the work they do with residents and in communities. Our work as a scrutiny panel is very positive and we thoroughly enjoy speaking and listening to other residents and working with staff at West Kent. Let’s keep the dialogue going and keep working together to make changes for the better."

    Fen Stanley
    Scrutiny Panel Member

    Read the 2022-23 Report

    2021-22 Report

    2020-21 Report