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    We want to increase homes in management to 10,000 by 2025 and begin to reshape our property portfolio to better meet the current and future local needs across Kent and Medway.

    A builder on a building site


    By 2025, we will:

    • Improve the quality of our homes when residents move in and the support at ‘sign up’ to give them the best start.
    • Update our asset management strategy to respond to the New Homes Standard, zero carbon targets and improve energy efficiency for our homes. In delivering plans to 2030 for investment, retro-fit, remodelling or disposal to meet local demand we will take advantage of all grant initiatives available and procurement framework initiatives.
    • Deliver a growth programme of 40% social rent, 10% affordable rent and 50% shared ownership through a mix of S106, land-led deals and acquisition. Aim for no more than 75% delivered by S106 by delivering:
      - Partnership that gives access to larger site land-led development by 2021.
      - Established smaller sites partnership approach in 2020 and deliver up to 40 homes on behalf others by 2025.
    • Identify partnership opportunities with local authority for site for regeneration
    • Deliver one pilot modular scheme by 2021.
    • Deliver one pilot zero carbon re-fit by 2025.

    Interested in finding out more about working with us, or joining our team?

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