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    We want to be known as Kent's housing provider of choice

    By 2025, we will:

    • ensure the long- term financial viability of West Kent with Group of staff members laughing
      a well- run business delivering to plans and within budget.
    • have our organisation designed so data, customer insight and
      resident involvement informs decision making and priorities.
    • be an attractive and respected employer,
      maintaining Investors in People Gold rating and upper
      quartile staff satisfaction levels.
    •  have an active cohort of tenants as ambassadors.
    • raise our profile within Kent as influencers
      in the Kent Housing Group and outside of Kent
      working with Placeshapers, Vantage and HouseMark.

    Against the backdrop of a challenging environment in the housing market, West Kent has an ambitious strategy that includes a focus on growing the housing stock, strong customer service, increasing the level of accommodation for older people and supporting the community. The strong performance against key metrics reflects the professionalism and passion for quality demonstrated throughout the organisation. The commitment to investment in the property portfolio to support the achievement of the ambition is impressive. Significant restructuring and change has been necessary in recent years within the organisation and it is testimony to the leadership of West Kent that people have responded positively. Leaders’ collaborative approach and transparency with information gives people confidence not only in managing change but also in the leadership capabilities of the directors.

    Derek Milliner, iIP assessor

    Our values