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    This strategy will ensure a wide range of opportunities for residents to be involved in whatever capacity they would wish to be.

    We will provide opportunities for residents that want to reply to an occasional survey to those that have more time and want to hold us to account or codesign services with us.

    West Kent has always put residents at the heart of its decision making. It leads from the top with places on its board for residents and a board champion for resident engagement.

    This strategy also looks to break down barriers. We want to ensure the widest numbers of our residents are given opportunities to engage. We want the profile of our involved residents to align with the profile of our  resident population. We are presently underrepresented in a number of areas, most noticeably residents with disabilities and BAME residents and we want to remedy that.

    We will work closely with the communities team to increase the numbers of our residents that are digitally proficient, to reach wider numbers of residents that cannot or choose not to engage face to face. 

    Read our full resident engagement strategy