
What would you like to search for?

    We know there are lots of surveys being sent to our residents this year. We wanted to explain what they are, and why we're carrying these out, and who will contact you.

    Please take the time to complete them if you're contacted - all your feedback and information helps us to improve the services we provide.

    STAR Survey

    STAR is a nationally recognised industry standard survey which is used across the country by housing organisations so we can compare our results with other landlords.

    A company called Acuity Research & Practice (Acuity) will be conducting the survey for us. They'll ask you what they think about your home and the services we provide.

    Rant and Rave

    After you contact us, we’ll ask you to rate our service on a scale of one (very dissatisfied) to five (very satisfied) and tell us why you gave that score. It’ll only take a couple of minutes at the most.
    If you don’t have a mobile phone or email address, we’ll ask you to complete a survey over the phone after you’ve called us.

    Text messages will come from:

    • Repairs: 07860 010832
    • Moving in: 07860 010833
    • Shared ownership: 07860 010848
    • Complaints: 07860 010834
    • Customer service: 07860 01083

    West Kent census

    Later this year , we'll be contacting all residents to make sure the details we hold on our systems are up to date and accurate.

    You don’t need to do anything now; we will contact you (by post or email) with a copy of the details we currently hold on our system and will ask you to let us know they are accurate or update them if necessary. If we have any questions after you send back the updated information, we will get in touch again.

    West Kent to bring new net-zero carbon ready family homes to Swanley

    West Kent to bring new net-zero carbon ready family homes to Swanley


    35 years of West Kent – our proud history, featuring possibly Britain's oldest council housing

    Introducing Pioneer Cottages, built in the 1890s. Pioneer Cottages form part of West Kent’s diverse housing stock across Kent and have since undergone significant modernisation over the years.