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    We’ve partnered up with The Hygiene Bank and Soap and Glory to deliver care packages to super-mums in the Sevenoaks district.

    Around 25 packages have been delivered so far, filled with Soap and Glory products like shower gel, moisturizer and chocolates.

    The packages are to say ‘thank you’ to mums who are going above and beyond in these extraordinary times, as well as those who are struggling financially due to the Coronavirus outbreak. Soap and Glory products

    Sarah's* husband contacted us on Facebook after seeing our post about the packages. He told us he’d recently been put onto the furlough scheme, meaning his income had dropped significantly.

    His wife was a care assistant at a local care home, working 12 hour shifts at a time. She’d even offered to live-in at the home to reduce any risk to the residents. When not at work, Sarah had been helping family members and neighbors with their shopping and medication, to make sure they didn’t have to leave their home unnecessarily. She did all this while studying for her higher care qualifications.

    Care packages

    Sarah said: “Thank you so much for my gifts. They were so thoughtful and really cheered me up. And thank you to my husband for getting in touch!” 

    You can find out more about our online youth sessions and work with the Hygiene Bank by emailing  


    *names have been changed.

    West Kent to bring new net-zero carbon ready family homes to Swanley

    West Kent to bring new net-zero carbon ready family homes to Swanley


    35 years of West Kent – our proud history, featuring possibly Britain's oldest council housing

    Introducing Pioneer Cottages, built in the 1890s. Pioneer Cottages form part of West Kent’s diverse housing stock across Kent and have since undergone significant modernisation over the years.