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    On Thursday 31 October, our main phone number, 01732 749400 will not be available until 12 noon.

    You may find what you need by using our customer self-help tool, but if not we'd love to hear from you using one of our other contact methods. Alternatively, you can still call us on 0800 169 1122. 

    We'll post a message on our Facebook and Twitter pages when the number becomes available for use again. 


    22 October 2019

    West Kent to bring new net-zero carbon ready family homes to Swanley

    West Kent to bring new net-zero carbon ready family homes to Swanley


    35 years of West Kent – our proud history, featuring possibly Britain's oldest council housing

    Introducing Pioneer Cottages, built in the 1890s. Pioneer Cottages form part of West Kent’s diverse housing stock across Kent and have since undergone significant modernisation over the years.